I am trained as a Barrister, have taught international law and act as an advocate in the broadest sense. I represent ideas, people and enterprises that seek solutions to climate change and confront abuse of power.

Relevant Experience
I was called to the Bar in 1987 and practised at 3 Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn, London. I was recognised as a leading barrister in the field of environmental law in the Chambers Directory.
I was Counsel to Baker & McKenzie, founding and heading their Global Climate Change & Clean Energy Practice.
As a member of the Green Investment Bank Commission, I successfully argued for the creation of the UK Green Investment Bank.
I advised the EU Commission on creating the European Emissions Trading System.
Founder, Foundation for International Environmental Law & Development (FIELD)
Founder, Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Notable Cases
Negotiated international agreements including UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol representing AOSIS; a coalition I helped to build
Advised the EU Commission on the creation of the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
1998: Ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (the Pinochet case), UK House of Lords (Supreme Court)
1997: Connelly v RTZ Corporation Plc; a landmark jurisdiction victory in the House of Lords
1997: Lubbe & Others v Cape plc, UK House of Lords
1989: Thor Chemicals; as a Junior Barrister, I wrote the opinion to the Legal Aid Board to grant funding for legal aid and acted as counsel for the case. Funding was granted and the case was won in 1997. Read more.